“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife, I said, sighing. No, no, it s a quote from Never mind, I said.” “It was the marriage that was important Jane Austen rarely even bothered to write about the wedding.”.Jane Austen quotes as seen on @offbeatbride janeausten wedding The Bard abides Shakespeare wedding readings and quotes for the .We look at the world according to Austen, as told through her literature. Reading is crucial. Love doesn t always look like what you think it will. Actions matter, not words. Have faith. Never let happiness pass you by. Remember that marriage is not easy. Hot weather presents style woes for everyone. Create your own .It is too sweet for words. Austen perfectly describes the sensation of falling in love it sweeps you off your feet and creeps slowly up on you simultaneously. This line actually reminds me a lot of that now famous quote from The Fault in Our Stars, “I fell in love the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once.”.
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