Macbeth Quotations And Meanings

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Considered among William Shakespeare’s greatest work, Macbeth is laden with some of the most powerful lines ever written. Here are of the most famous quotation from this dark and powerful play. The ‘bloody child’ is the second of the three apparitions that the witches .Macbeth “False face must hide what false heart doth know.” We must pretend to be innocent, and appear innocent despite what wicked deeds our hands have done. Macbeth “Let not light see my black and deep desires.” Let not God or good see how evil my thoughts really are..This quote is actually being said to Macbeth meaning that look very innocent like you have done nothing but actually be the guilty and sly man underneath it..Explore the meaning of these dramatic quotes from Macbeth, which explore timely themes of illusion, ambition, guilt, and remorse..

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